(Produced in collaboration with Christian Nagle, PhD,
as part of the Great American Music Project)
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Houston bluesman John Egan lights up his resonator guitar for the Great American Music Project inside the hallowed walls of The Big Easy, where he has held down a weekly gig for some time now. We find this song to be especially poignant; and John's rock-solid rhythm and deep vocal tone--not to mention his crazy inventive slide licks--keep us listening to this piece over and over. John's the kind of player that makes you pay attention to the space between the notes. What you leave out is as important as what you put in. "Peaceful Mind" ©John Egan Performed at the Big Easy, Houston TX Filmed for the Great American Music Project by Doppelgänger Pictures Managing Director: Christian Nagle Director of Photography: Chris Bickford

A performance/music video of Cody Brooks' DIRTY, a classic song of betrayal and revenge, with an electric performance by Cody at Lougue's Emporium in Nashville, TN. Many thanks to the Dirty Girls for making the scene come alive. Managing Director: Christian Nagle Director of Photography/Creative Director: Chris Bickford Key Grip: Sam Grant Editor: Chris Bickford Production Angel: Laura Sue Peters The Dirty Girls: LaKenya Young Marissa Pollack Rosemarie Mincey Lois Berg Megan Prater Robinson Special thanks to Robert Logue for the use of Logue's Emporium's basement lounge for this shoot.

An old theater on the Irish coast, a vintage Bentley that changes color, three muses, a dirty cop, and a magic suit. While we were all living together in a stone house deep in a Tennessee holler, Cody woke up one morning from a dream that was so vivid, so coherent, and so relentless in its thematic repetitions that he felt as if he'd been in it for years. As we each made our way into the kitchen for morning coffee, he kept retelling it. The tale was so beautiful and cinematic that we half-jokingly vowed to make a movie out of it one of these days. For the time being however, you'll have to be satisfied with Cody's re-telling of the dream later that night, camera rolling.

Cody's soul ballad "Stronger than This" is destined to be a hit. At least so say we. Give it a listen and see if we ain't lyin'. This was a totally impromptu shoot, the boys just hanging out at the house in the holler on an unseasonably warm afternoon in early March. "We should go shoot something," somebody said. And so we did. We were all jazzed by the late-afternoon light we were getting on this shoot, and so we played with the sun-devils as much as we could to enhance the song. "Looks like an old Paul McCartney video" Cody said when we showed him the footage. Yeah, complete with late-70’s video quality.